

What is Family Karate Academy?

At Family Karate Academy, we are all about teaching family-friendly karate for students of all ages! We are a family-oriented studio that teaches many classes, such as Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Self Defense, and Kickboxing. If you want to learn more about who we are at Family Karate Academy, you’re in the right place! We offer many different classes to our students, including Karate, Self Defense, Tae Kwon Do, and Kickboxing!

Meet the Owner

about us at family karate

Sam Kas-Mikha, a grandmaster 10th degree black belt, is the owner and president of Family Karate, Inc. Kas-Mikha established Champion Karate in 1988. In 2015, Kas-Mikha announced his big plans to restructure his company, where he decided to create a more family-oriented karate school. Family Karate Academy Inc. was created and is declared one of the top 100 master schools in the martial arts world. We take great pride in our karate school, making sure we focus on every student and help them excel in Tae Kwon Do.


At Family Karate Academy, we teach our students how to speak to their instructors or superiors, in many different ways. You will often hear students say phrases during classes here at Family Karate Academy, which teaches them our core values. We teach these phrases in our classes. We believe it will increase their confidence, and allow them to benefit both in class and in real life.

student creed family karate academy
about us at family karate academy

What We Do


Family Karate Academy dedicates their time to enhancing our community, which is done through the positive personal development of our students. This is done in several ways, through our student creed, through our private lessons we offer, and our fun class atmosphere.

Providing inspiration for personal excellence through our examples as Black Belts, both in and out of school, the “Black Belt Attitude” and “Black Belt Excellence” themes encourage everyone to drive for their personal best in everything they do, whether training in class, interacting with family at home, or studying in school. We strive to educate our students, not just in karate, but on the positive mental principles and values we teach in our school. These include respect, courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-confidence, and loyalty. We teach these values in our classes, every single day in class, each week. This, in our opinion, will benefit our students, both at home, in class, and in everyday life.

How do I Start Taking Classes?

Do you have an interest in signing up for karate classes, or have thought of starting karate classes, but don’t know where you should start? Give us a call, and we are more than happy to help you! Family Karate has many classes for students, regardless of age, and can fit you into the right class! We can’t wait to see you excel in Tae Kwon Do! We also offer a free ten day trial. You can try our classes, where there are no strings attached! This, we believe, is a great way to get a feel of the environment, and learn how classes work. This is also a good way to try out a wonderful sport you never knew you’d love!